If you are ready to reclaim your power and peace from the trauma and fear of losing your child to addiction without tough love tactics or abandoning your child in need …

It will transform your life.

Here's What You'll Learn :

  • PART ONE: The 7 Traps of addiction that are keeping you and your child prisoner and what you must do to break free.

  • PART TWO: The truth about addiction and what you need to know as a loving mother.

  • PART THREE: The Secret and why you have the power to to break free' It's time to use it.

Are you falling into the trap of codependency?

Take this quick quiz to find out if you're experiencing 1 of the 7 traps of addiction, and learn what you can do to change it!

Free Deepening Breathwork

Breathwork, the practice of consciously controlling your breath, is a powerful tool for enhancing physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

By deepening your breathwork practice, you can unlock new levels of relaxation, focus, self-awareness and healing.

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