Are you ready to take back your POWER, live life on your terms and have an impact and encourage your child's recovery journey?

Are you ready to Enable No More and learn A NEW WAY to LOVE, THINK AND LIVE free from the Traps Of Addiction?

I am dedicated to empowering and supporting mothers of addicted children to learn the truth about addiction to create conditions to change what isn't working and rediscover peace, strength and hope.

I provide education, resources, and an Enable No More (ENM) Solution-Focused Community” to help families navigate the challenges of addiction. This space allows mothers to find solace, actionable tools and strategies.

I am dedicated to bringing awareness through breaking the stigma and isolation that accompanies families impacted by addiction.

I offer support and Recovery Services Tailored to YOUR Needs!

Your recovery is critical in helping your child choose recovery for themselves.

I designed Enable No More Programs using science and spiritual-based teachings and practices.

You will restore peace, release the need to control and accept loving your child with boundaries and reclaim happiness and health. Your transformation will shift the dynamics of addiction, breaking the cycles,

The grief, and suffering experienced by a mother with an addicted child is profound and heart-wrenching. It's a journey filled with anguish, anxiety, and helplessness as they witness their child battling addiction.

Mothers carry the weight of their child's struggles, often sacrificing their own well-being, and living with a constant sense of fear and uncertainty.

The traps of addiction, enabling and codependency create a complex and challenging cycle that can be difficult to identify and escape, taking a toll on their physical and mental health leading to dis-ease and disconnect from the authentic self creating a distorted view of reality.

Breaking free from the traps of addiction requires awareness, support, resources and professional help. It's a challenging journey but with the right knowledge, mindset, tools and guidance, both the addicted child and families can work towards recovery and healing.

What Moms are Saying About

Enable No More Coaching

I had been deeply struggling with my emotions involving my addicted child. During a trauma-healing session with Jen, something powerfully shifted deep within me. I felt heard, seen and acknowledged for my feelings. After feeling lost for so long and feeling powerless, Jen has given me hope for the future. I now understand how I can heal and help myself, taking action to help my son choose recovery.

Every day I am thankful that Jen came into my life. She is compassionate to what caregivers of addicts go through and a living example of what we are capable of when we put our minds and hearts in a space of unconditional love.

When I first reached out to Jen, I was completely broken and consumed with trying to save my son from addiction. Through the Radiant Recovery Program, I have begun my journey to healing. This program allowed me to realize that my healing and recovery benefited my overall well-being and my sons.

The Radiant Recovery Programs helped me take back my power to heal and recover my true self. I've learned to mindfully move through my days with love and compassion reclaiming control over myself and my reactions to the world around me.

I was disconnected from myself, consumed and addicted to getting my child help and realized I needed help. The tools, mindfulness and spiritual practices helped me reconnect with myself, regain control of my life and learn a new way to love and support my child, which supports long-term recovery.

I have worked with Jen for several months now. She has helped me work through false beliefs that have kept me trapped in fear. Her Coaching style is supportive, trusting, and nonjudgmental. She has helped me work through my fears and recover my confidence to take responsibility for my peace, happiness and life.

I'm Jennifer McCutcheon!

I have experienced the pain, grief and trauma that comes with being a mom and wife of an addict. The toll it took on my mental and physical health was a destructive force I needed to acknowledge and accept to reclaim my life. Having overcome loss, anxiety, chronic health issues, and disconnect from myself, coaching has allowed me to share the tools and the sacred secret I learned on my recovery journey to help others do the same.

I am a certified spiritual recovery and trauma coach, best-selling author, speaker, cycle breaker, truth seeker, and advocate for women's empowerment, mental health, and addiction. I work with various healing modalities, such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness.

I offer individual and group programs, using a unique blend of my lived experience, knowledge and training to help women transform their pain, break free from the traps of addiction and create lives they love to live.

I want to hear your story and to help you break free from the endless cycles of addiction, enabling and co-dependency

Copyright 2024 by Enable No More