Building Boundaries Blueprint

Boundaries are critical in supporting and encouraging long-term recovery for ourselves and our loved ones impacted by addiction.

Building Boundaries Blueprint is a step-by-step process to create boundaries that support living in your power and peace.

No longer at the mercy of ADDICTION!

If you are anything like me, I had ZERO boundaries in my life. I had no idea what a boundary was or how to set or enforce one. Add my loved ones' addiction into the mix, and whoah, my life became unmanageable!

The good news is I have cracked the code and created an amazing process I use and teach my clients to use in my Recovery Coaching Programs that transform lives. I believe boundaries are the driving force in breaking free from the cycles and traps of addiction you and your loved one are experiencing.

This blueprint is for anyone looking to break the cycle of suffering and learn how to build powerful boundaries that stick, and significantly impact healing and recovery for yourself and the ones you love.

You are...

  • Dealing with intense fear, guilt and shame around setting boundaries

  • Living in fear of doing/saying the wrong thing

  • Confused and overwhelmed by conflicting messaging

  • Unsure if you are enabling or helping your addict

  • Powerless and helpless to stand your ground

  • Trapped in chaos with no end in sight

The Building Boundary Blueprint will help you learn how to process, create, set, and enforce your boundaries because you know the “WHY” behind it.

NO longer guilt-ridden but 100% confidence in your purpose!

This process will support you in a step-by-step method to give
yourself permission to not only listen and trust yourself but also
empower you to regain control of your peace, health, happiness and life.

AND breaking the cycles that are not serving you and your loved one!

  • To release fear, guilt and shame to support long-term recovery

  • To trust yourself again, knowing what you need to find peace

  • To listen to your own inner wisdom, no longer needing validation from others

  • To no longer enable addiction but foster long-term recovery

  • To break free from the cycles and traps hurting you and your child

  • To take back control of your life